How to use File Manager Print

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This article will guide you how to use file manager.

File Manager (browser based): 
The File manager is good to use when you are away form your computer and you can access a browser. 
The File Manager can be accessed from any location. This eliminates the need to install a program like FileZilla or Notepad++.

Step 1:
Login into your cPanel. Click the File Manager button.

Step 2:
Navigate to the directory you want to upload a file to and click the Upload link at the top of the File Manager
This will open an upload box.

Step 3:
Click Select File to browse your computer for the file you want to upload. 

Step 4:
Your file will then upload. You will see a "100%" message when the upload completes.

Refresh your File Manager by clicking the Reload link at the top left of the File Manager. 
You should then see the file listed in the File Manager now.

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