Game Settings\Match Settings\Title IDs Print

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Here is the default gamemodes file settings and their title id.

In the commandline manager, you should swap the title id with the one you want here, and swap the matchsettings file you want. TM stands for trackmania and SM stands for Shootmania.

Title name Title Id MatchSettings file(s)
Stadium TMStadium MatchSettings/TMStadiumA.txt
Valley TMValley MatchSettings/TMValley.txt
Canyon TMCanyon MatchSettings/TMCanyonA.txt
TrackMania 2 Trackmania_2@nadeolabs  
Storm SMStorm Check the ManiaPlanetServer/UserData/Maps/MatchSettings/ folder
Royal SMStormRoyal@nadeolabs MatchSettings/SMStormRoyal1.txt (Standard) and MatchSettings/SMStormRoyal2.txt (Beginner)
Combo SMStormCombo@nadeolabs MatchSettings/SMStormCombo1.txt
Elite SMStormElite@nadeolabs MatchSettings/SMStormElite1.txt
Joust SMStormJoust@nadeolabs MatchSettings/SMStormJoust1.txt
Siege SMStormSiege@nadeolabs MatchSettings/SMStormSiege1.txt

Taken from the Official Wiki here:

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