How to add yourself as an admin in ROK Print

  • 0

The following basic guide will show you how to add yourself as an admin on your Reign of Kings server

Note: We suggest you stop your server prior to making these changes

Step 1:
Log into your game panel and click 'stop' on your service, we suggest you save your server in game first. (This is very important)

Step 2:
Select the 'Configuration Files' icon from the control panel

Step 3:
Edit the 'Perimissions.cfg' using the text editor

Step 4:
Find the following lines: (they are towards the bottom)

users {

Step 5:

Once you have found this we will need to edit it to add yourself as an admin
To do this simply:

Note: 'NameAdmin' is your users in game name

users {
NameAdmin1 {
groups {
- 'admin'


Step 6:
To add more admins simply use the same system:

users {
AdminsName1 {
groups {
- 'admin'
AdminsName2 {
groups {
- 'admin'
'AdminsName3' {
groups {
- 'admin'

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