Administrating a server in Project Zomboid Print

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Chester Citadel Servers Knowledge base Archive for Don't Starve Together.

To get started with your Project Zomboid Server at Citadel Servers you only need to first choose an admin password.

Administrative commands

There are various commands for admins. There will be more in the future. This list will be updated as it goes:


adduser = Use this command to add a new user in a whitelisted server, use : /adduser username=pwd
save = Save the current world
quit = Quit the server (but save it before)
chopper = Start the choppers (do noise)
gunshot = Start a gunshot (do noise)
startrain = Start rain on the server
stoptrain = Stop rain on the server
setaccesslevel = Grant the admin rights to a user, use : /setaccesslevel Playername admin
removeadmin = Remove the admin rights to a user, use: /removeadmin “username”
reloadoptions = Reload the options on the server (ServerOptions.ini) and send them to the clients
banuser = Ban a user, reason is not mandatory, use : /banuser username=reason ip=true/false, ex /banuser rj=pvp ip=true
unbanuser = Unban a player, use : /unbanuser username
kickuser = Kick a user, reason is not mandatory, use : /kickuser username=reason
addalltowhitelist = Add all the current users connected with a password in the whitelist, so their account is protected.
addusertowhitelist = Add the user connected with a password in the whitelist, so his account is protected, use : /addusertowhitelist username
removeuserfromwhitelist = Remove the user from the whitelist, use: /removeuserfromwhitelist username
showoptions = Show the list of current Server options with their values.
changeoption = Use this to change a server option, use : /changeOption optionName=newValue
godmod = Set a player invincible, use : /godmod username=true/false, ex /godmod rj=true
invisible = Set a player invisible, use : /invisible username=true/false, ex /invisible rj=true
additem = Add an item to a player, the username isn't mandatory, if you don't specify it the item will be added to you, use /additem username module.item, ex : /additem rj Base.Axe.
createhorde = Use this to spawn a horde near you, user : /create horde count, ex /createhorde 150
changepwd = Use this command to change your password, use : /changepwd previouspwd newpwd.


You can type “/help” to get a full list or “/help *command*” to get the help tooltip for this command.

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