Configuring your Project Zomboid Server Print

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Ascend Servers Knowledge base Archive for Don't Starve Together.
Configuring your server
Server Settings

There are various options for servers. The server options are set up via the ServerOptions.ini file in your Zomboid folder (\Zomboid\server)

The main Configuration file for Project Zomboid is in the "Configuration files" section of the game control panel.

Configuration files

When done with the changes, click "save" and restart your the server.

You can also change these settings ingame (when logged in as an admin) via /changeoption optionName=*value* and then /reloadoptions.

PVP = true //Enable PVP.
PauseEmpty = false //If true the server won't update if no players are on it (farming won't progress, etc.)
GlobalChat = true //Enable the Global Chat (/all command in chat).
Open = true //Open to all (no whitelist)
ServerWelcomeMessage = <RGB:1,0,0> Welcome to Project Zomboid MP test ! to chat locally press \"t\", to global chat press \"y\" or add \"/all\" before chatting <LINE> Press /help to have a list of server commands <LINE> <RGB:1,1,1> //Displayed message in the global chat when a client connect.
LogLocalChat = false //Log the local chat in the chat window (client side).
AutoCreateUserInWhiteList = false //If you server is open, this option will allow the server to create the user in whitelist if they entered the server with a password, so his username will be protected.
DisplayUserName = true //False = you won't see another players username on top of their head + their name won't be logged inside the local chat
SpawnPoint = 0,0,0 //Use this to define a custom spawn point instead of the random one from character creation.
SafetySystem = true //Allow the user to change their safety (if false and if PVP=true, then the safety will always be off).
ShowSafety = true //Allow the players to see if someone have his safety off with the skull icon.
SafetyToggleTimer = 100 //When the player disable safety it take some times before HE enable it (tho the other players see it instantly), define it here
SafetyCooldownTimer = 120 //Every time you hit someone in safety off, add this timer to the cool down before you can actually toggle safety off
SpawnItems = //Add spawning items to new player, ex : Base.Axe,Base.WaterBottleFull... (every item need to be separated by a ",")
DefaultPort = 16261 //Default port used by the server
Mods=BedfordFalls;AnotherMod... //Used to add mods to your server, like maps or other things, player will NEED to have this mods installed.
DoLuaChecksum = true //Do the lua checksum. Players with modified Lua files that differ from the server files will not be able to connect
Public = false //If true send the info of the server to to be visible in the public server list
PublicName = //Required for public server
PublicDescription = //Optionnal, for public server
MaxPlayers = 64 //Max players who can connect on the server (admin can by pass this)
PingFrequency = 10 //Time between each client ping, in second
PingLimit = 400 //Ping limit before being kicked, need to be 5 time over, in millisecond, 0 disbaled it.
HoursForLootRespawn = 0 //Enable loot respawn if > 0, then the zone need to be unseen for X (this parameter) hours before respawn loot in it.
MaxItemsForLootRespawn = 4 //For the loot respawn, if a container have more items than this number, it won't respawn loot (use it to limit respawn in safe house for example..)
HoursForZombiesRespawn = 0 //Enable zombies respawn if > 0, then the zone need to be unseen for X (this parameter) hours before respawn zombies on it, only on road.
IncreaseZombieRespawnBy=0 //Ammount of additional zombies you want to have spawned if HoursForZombiesRespawn > 0. Example, an area spawns a default of 10 Zombies. You have IncreaseZombieRespawnBy=20 -> The area will spawn 30 Zombies (10 naturally and 20 additional zombies).

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