Arma 2 "Waiting for host" Print

  • arma 2, Waiting fo host, Arma 2 Server
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Order an ARMA II Server today with Ascend Servers

This article aims to guide you on how to fix the "Waiting for Host" bug


1.Navigate to your C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye

(Though BattlEye typically installs itself on your Windows partition, you can replace C if you have ARMA installed on a different hard drive.)

2. Delete BEService.exe & BeService_arma2oa.exe

3. Normally launch DayZ Mod or Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead using Steam.

4. The game should start immediately after a command prompt opens and waits for it to close.

5. Connect to your server and have fun!




If you encounter any issues please click here to reach out to our support team via a ticket for further assistance.

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