Installing mods for Arma 2 Print

  • arma 2, Arma 2 Server, mods
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Order an ARMA II Server today with Ascend Servers

This article aims to guide you on how to install custom mods onto your Arma 2 server with us at Ascend Server.
Note:  Verify that the mods you own are compatible with the most recent version of Arma 2 and are for ARMA 2.

Enter the Game Control Panel and login.
Next, upload the mod(s) via FTP or the file manager.

To ensure you have all of the standard directories, upload or.rar file to the ROOT Game folder (the main folder).
Then unzip so the folder looks like: @[MODNAMEHERE]

After uploading the map and extracting it without any issues, you should go to CommandLine Manager.
to create\edot your custom commandline, and add the name of the mod exactly like it's in the root directory, e.g:

The commandline will look something like this if you're adding more than one mod:

Unless the installation instructions for the mod specify differently, this is usually all you need to do for it to function.

If you encounter any issues please click here to reach out to our support team via a ticket for further assistance.

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