Adding Admins to your Avorion Server Print

  • Avorion, Admin
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This guide will show you how to add Administrators to your Avorion Server using 64bit Steam IDs.

Method 1: Using Commandline

On your Game Panel

Open "Commandline Manager".

Navigate "Custom Commandlines"

 Click "New" button.

Input your 64 Bit SteamID in the "Default Administrator" box.

Make sure the "Select" checkbox to the left is checked.

Click the "Save" button.

For your reference please follow the steps on the image below.

Avorion Admin

You can have multiple Administrators by specifying multiple 64 Bit Steam IDs separated by commas.
(e.g.  "1234567890,1234567890,1234567890")

Method 2: Using Configuration Files

Open your Game Panel

1. Open "Configuration Files"

2. Navigate "admin.xml" and click "Text Editor"
Avorion Configuration Files

3. Find the "<administrators>" tag.
4. Insert a tag in this format <admin name="NICKNAME" id="64_BIT_STEAM_ID"/>
5. Click "Save"

For steps 3 to 5, refer to the image below
Avorion Admin

Notes: You can have multiple Administrators by inserting an <admin name="NICKNAME" id="64_BIT_STEAM_ID"/> per user.
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