Avorion Configuration Guide Print

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These are the server options which can be found in the server.ini : 

Option Effect Default
[Game Options]
BigWreckageDespawnTime Time in seconds it takes for new (as in: not created by the generator but during gameplay, such as combat) large wreckages (more than 15 blocks) to disappear. 1800
CollisionDamage A multiplier for damage to colliding objects. Accepts floating-point numbers, e.g. 0.5 is 50% collision damage. 1
Difficulity Note the typo. The difficulty of the server. Accepts an integer between -3 and 3. [Needs testing] 0
InfiniteResources Toggles infinite resources (or "creative mode") server wide false
SafePlayerInput [Experimental] If enabled, updates sent from players to server are double checked and only control input is accepted to avoid cheating/hacking.

Disabling this will result in much smoother performance at the time of this writing. Enabling this may result in very bad performance over slow networks.

Seed The random seed used for galaxy generation. Accepts upper and lower case letters and numbers. [random]
SmallWreckageDespawnTime Time in seconds it takes for new (as in: not created by the generator but during gameplay, such as combat) small wreckages (15 blocks or less) to disappear. 900
sameStartSector Indicates if all players should start in the same sector. If false, a random empty sector on the outer rim is populated and used as the home sector for each new player. true
startUpScript Specifies a Lua script to run on server startup. data/scripts/server/server.lua
startSectorScript Specifies a Lua script to run when generating a start sector for a player. startsector[.lua]
ColorDropChanceFromCraft [Currently unused] The chance that a color will drop from a space craft when the craft is destroyed 0.05
ColorDropChanceFromBlock [Currently unused] The chance that a color will drop from a block of wreckage when it is destroyed 0.0025
ResourceDropChance [Currently unused] Chance of resources dropping from destroyed blocks 0.4
LootDiminishingFactor [Currently unused] Multiplier that's applied to the value of a block/wreckage/ship to determine the dropped money and resources. 0.005
SystemDropChanceFromBlock [Currently unused] The chance that a ship system will drop from a block of wreckage when it is destroyed 0.005
SystemDropChanceFromCraft [Currently unused] The chance that a ship system will drop from an NPC space craft when the craft is destroyed 0.2
TurretDropChanceFromBlock [Currently unused] The chance that a turret will drop from a block of wreckage when it is destroyed 0.005
TurretDropChanceFromCraft [Currently unused] The chance that a turret will drop from an NPC space craft when the craft is destroyed 0.25
TurretDropChanceFromTurret [Currently unused] The chance that a turret will drop from an NPC space craft when the turret is destroyed 0.025
[System Options]
emptySectorUpdateInterval The time between update steps of sectors without players. 0.5
saveInterval The time between server saves, in seconds. 600
sectorUpdateTimeLimit The time that sectors which don't qualify for out-of-sector-simulation are kept within memory. 300
workerThreads Number of concurrent threads that are used to update sectors. (Identical to the "Threads" setting ingame.) 1
generatorThreads Number of concurrent threads that are used to generate new sectors while players are calculating nav routes. Hardware Concurrency
aliveSectorsPerPlayer Number of sectors kept alive for each player and alliance on the server, provided that there are player or alliance ships in that sector. Multiplayer: 5

Singleplayer: 500

weakUpdate Indicates if the sectors without players should be simulated with a "weak" update, which is less accurate but a lot faster than the normal update step. true
profiling Toggles performance and memory profiling. Server performance may suffer slightly, but /status command will print a lot more detailed output. false
immediateWriteout [Deprecated in v0.12 and above] Controls whether ships and sector files are to be written to disk immediately after a player changes sectors. true
broadcastInterval The time between server mass update broadcasts in seconds. 5
isPublic Privacy setting. If enabled, only one administrator is allowed on the server and the server will not show up on the LAN menu. (Same as the command line parameter -public) true
isListed Privacy setting. If enabled together with useSteam, the server will show up in public server lists. (Same as the ingame setting "List Publicly") true
isAuthenticated Privacy setting. Toggles Steam user authentication. (Identical to the ingame setting "Authenticate Users") true
port The default port to access the server on. Does not affect the TCP/UDP game traffic port or the query ports. 27000
useSteam Determines whether the server is using Steam networking and can be joined via Steam, using options like "join game". true
accessListMode Determines whether the server uses a blacklist or a whitelist to restrict access. Blacklist
description A description for the server, shown in the server list. An Avorion Server
maxPlayers The max number of players allowed on the server at one time 10
name The name of the server, shown in the server list. Avorion Server



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